How to get iChat of Mac OS X Lion working?

Prio to Mac OS X Lion the iChat Client can connect to my openfire 3.6.4 server.

After upgrading to Mac OS X Lion the iChat Client could connect and visible in the session view of the

admin panel.

However I can not change the state of the iChat client to Online such that I can see my buddies etc.

Does anyone has a solution for fixing it ? It would be very benefical !

Thanks for your support.

BTW: Same problem occurs with 3.7.0

I have found a posting such that the client id is now “imaget”. The ClientControl setup does not work too.

The only thing that has changed that has caused your issue is the iChat client software. So your issue lies there, I would seek assistance from an Apple/iChat type forum that are familar with it’s configuration and what changed between the two versions to get an idea on how to fix it. If it is affecting OpenFire it may be affecting other Jabber/XMPP Servers.

the client id is “imagent” to add under “Add Other Client”


edit: found this under /opt/openfire/logs/jive.audit-$DATE.log

Hi Gomez,

thanks a lot ! This detail solves my issue.

I am sorry to say that I have no clue as to where to “add other client”

Thanks for your help

I have downloaded version 3.7.0, saved the 3.6.4 config files and copied 3.7.0 over 3.6.4.

Restoring the saved conf-files into the 3.7.0 config folder and starting openfire.

Under the “Plugins” menu load the “ClientControl” which will load nicely. Under the server menu you will find now a “Client Management” tab which you should select.

Select the “Permitted Clients” submenu. Either you select the radio button “All Clients” which will allow anybody to connect to your openfire server or “Add Other Clients” to add the “imagent” keyword and select the “Specify Client(s)” radio button.

You should be now able to connect with iChat for Mac OS X Lion to Openfire again !

Have fun

Thanks, I will give it a try this weekend.

Have a good one!