How to get status message?


I’m trying to get the status message of users who are on my roster, but .getStatus() always return null while I know the user has set a custom status message. What I’m missing ?

public String convertValueToText(Object value, boolean selected,

boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row,

boolean hasFocus) {

if (value != null && value instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) {

Object node = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)value).getUserObject();

if (node instanceof RosterEntry)


String messageEtat;

if (((RosterEntry)node).getStatus()!=null)


messageEtat = ((RosterEntry)node).getStatus().toString();






return ((RosterEntry)node).getName() + " ";




return super.convertValueToText(value,selected,expanded,leaf,row,hasFocus);



return super.convertValueToText(value,selected,expanded,leaf,row,hasFocus);



Thanks !

Because RosterEntry.getStatus() is not the same as Presence.getStatus().

You can get the users last Presence packet through Roster.getPresence().

Thanks ! It’s working better this way