How to integrate openfire, fastpath and ldap authentication?

Hi community,

I have a persistent problem.

I can’t make this integration, then, i update my openfire installation, but, this don’t solve my problem. I’ll explain all here! ;c)

See this:

I have a group caled “suporte” and an user “egobbi” listed in this group, from Fastpath tab in Openfire console. Keep seeing… :cD

I download Spark from oficial download site and this run fine to me, i authenticate in Openfire with a user “egobbi”. This user, i add to group with “Add” buton in the congi page of group. Next, i send a question from web form, then, i receive in Spark this question, with option to accept or not, of course i use option “Accept”. And this is all i have. After this point, nothing to do. Don’t have reply from Spark to Web Chat.

I don’t know what i need to make this feature work fine. Any ideas? I can send logs or conf files if this is necessary. Please. This is very needed at this moment in our employ!

Thanks a lot for your attemption!




I watch my debug.log from openfire path, and i see this:

2008.11.26 15:54:43 read data in 6 lines
2008.11.26 15:54:43 pre check: paramMap.size=6
2008.11.26 15:54:43 Exec[0]: room.getChatQueue()
2008.11.26 15:54:43 --Object found in page. Call params (string:atmuYV71Nv) id=3869_1227722083511. Using (XHR,POST)
2008.11.26 15:54:43 Returning: id[3869_1227722083511] assign[s0] xhr[true]
2008.11.26 15:54:43 var s0={};var s1=false;s0.connectionDropped=s1;var s2=true;s0.inQueue=s2;var s3=null;s0.nickname=s3;var s4=1;s0.queuePosition=s4;var s5=15;s0.queueTime=s5;var s6=“less than 1 minute”;s0.queueTimeForHtml=s6;var s7=false;s0.routed=s7;

DWREngine._handleResponse(‘3869_1227722083511’, s0);

2008.11.26 15:54:46 InternalComponentManager: Request not found for

Obviously this user don’t exist in my ldap directory, this user as created to guest user visiting my website. When a guest click in “Live chat”.

Any ideas? To solve this thread? :c)

There is a bug in fastpath that group admin and Openfire admins cannot be members of a fastpath group. if they are they cannot answer fastpath requests.

I can’t understand,

i don’t use any user admin from my ldap directory. In group chat tab form openfire console, i set the user “test” to receive messages.

See in attachment, when a guest make a question from webchat button, the system create new group chats.

Have a easy how-to to make this install clean and funcionally?


If any of the the 30 fastpath users you have for each workgroup are either Openfire admins or Openfire Group Chat owner/admins it will cause errors.


Sorry, but i don’t make this process funcionaly… :c(

Have a man or how-to to integrate fastpath and ldap?

This problem persist for a long time… 3 months more. :c(

I explain all of my problem, but thats responses are very generic…


First my responses are not generic, you just do no understand what I am saying. There is a know bug in fastpath. You cannot be a MUC owner/admin or and openfire admin and be in a fastpath workgroup. If you are then fastpath will not work for your ID. I can not state this any clearer.

Here is a manual: Fastpath Quick Start Guide - LDAP Users