How to Integrate OpenFire with JIVE properly?


I have installed Jive forum and OpenFire successfully. Both are working fine as seprate application. I need to know how to utilize OpenFire features in Jive?

I started the OpenFire and connected to it through Jive by specifying XMPP Host sucessfully. But I don’t where in Jive forum features of OpenFire would be displayed and Where presence ICON etc would be displayed at the client side of Jive Forum.

I am also trying to run OpenFire without Jive. Although I have installed OpenFire Server correclty and created some users. Here I don’t know from where those users can login and chat etc.

Please help me.



sami wrote:

Here I don’t know from where those users can login and chat etc.

You need a xmpp (jabber) client (e.g. Spark) to connect to that server. Two connected users can then chat.

Wroot, thanks for your reply.

Yes I did the same work and installed client (desktop) version of Spark. Now I am able to chat with different users on LAN sucessfully. But I need to know that how to utilize OpenFire/XMPP features in Jive Forum.

So I need to know

  • Where XMPP settings (in Jive Admin panel) will effect on the client side of the Jive forum?

  • Can forum user chat with each other ?

  • and How presence information may be utlized in Jive Forum?

As above mentioned featuers are provided by the OpenFire(which uses XMPP) and XMPP settings may be specified in Jive Forum’s admin panel.



sami wrote:

Wroot, thanks for your reply.

Yes I did the same work and installed client (desktop) version of Spark. Now I am able to chat with different users on LAN sucessfully. But I need to know that how to utilize OpenFire/XMPP features in Jive Forum.

So I need to know

  • Where XMPP settings (in Jive Admin panel) will effect on the client side of the Jive forum?
  • Can forum user chat with each other ?
  • and How presence information may be utlized in Jive Forum?

As above mentioned featuers are provided by the OpenFire(which uses XMPP) and XMPP settings may be specified in Jive Forum’s admin panel.



  • I don’t really know the settings in the forums admin panel unfortunately, but your support/sales rep from Jive should be able to answer that for you. I actually didn’t know forums -had- an admin panel for this. =) (I know Clearspace does for some of it, but not sure about Forums) I can tell you that what you are effectively doing is setting up Forums to be an external component with Openfire. So if you look in Openfire under external components, that may help you get rolling. Most likely what you are looking for is the shared secret of Openfire’s external components, and the domain name of the XMPP server itself (or maybe hostname, if they’re different)
  • No, forum users can’t chat via XMPP with each other “inside the forum software”, they would have to connect to the openfire server independently and chat via regular XMPP clients (like Spark) I’m assuming you were asking about chatting in forums, but I don’t know for sure. =)
  • Presence is just used in terms of… if someone sees your name in the forum, they can see a little indicator telling you if you are logged on or not.