How to manually update the monitoring pluging for Openfire 3.10.1

I updating my OpenFire Server to ver. 3.10.1 and updating my server’s plugins.

Cant update monitoring plugin.

My Openfire work on MSSQL 2000.

really, nobody knows ?

What do you mean by “manually”? Just update it via Admin Console. You can also try downloading it from Downloads page and then upload it via Upload form on the Plugins page. Or you can drop the jar file into /openfire/plugins.

Btw, you should update to 3.10.2 as it is more stable than 3.10.1.

when the server starts

Starting Fastpath Server

We found an old version of the database 1 for monitoring. The update to version 2 …

monitoring - Updating the database failed. Please update your hand.

Starting Monitoring Plugin

  • A translation from Polish into English, I hope and gives meaning

I see. New plugin can’t update its database automatically. Upgrade scripts are in: C:\Openfire\plugins\monitoring\database\upgrade\2

You probably need monitoring_sqlserver.sql

If you can somehow run it against your database, or just open it and run sql statements in there directly to your database (i see there are only 2 changes).

OK, i have script “monitoring sql server.sql” in location C:\Program Files\Openfire\plugins\monitoring\database\upgrade\2.

Run this script in manager server , have new problem

"Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

Line 4: Incorrect syntax near ‘MAX’."

Must change NVARCHAR(MAX) in other version , mySQL SERVER can’t understand


You said you are using MSSQL 2000? Is it right? Such an old one? It might be that this version of MSSQL doesn’t support such type varchar(max) MS SQL Server 2000, problems? - Stack Overflow

I will try ping Leon Roy (who has done recent updates to monitoring plugin). Maybe he will have some insight.


Wow, 2000…

That went EOL in 2008 and furthermore only runs on 2003 which also goes EOL next week.

nvchar(max) is not supported on 2000 from what I can tell. Apparently ntext might work…but unless you’re a Microsoft DBA or know one I wouldn’t mess with the system. Also if you’re at monitoring update script 2 that means you have 17 more to go through!

I would strongly advise against upgrading this system to Openfire 3.10…or roll back to a backup.

Generally with the commercial customers using Openfire on Windows 2003 at my company if it ain’t broke we don’t touch it - most of them are on 3.6 on 2003 Server and migrating them onto another DB is a royal PITA but it can be done. Super, super fiddly though.

I’m not sure I can help you, sorry.

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