How to restrict a the access from various spark clients

Hi all,

I have installed openfire server 3.6.2 and I am using spark 2.5.8.

I have customized spark client as per my need . I want only the customized spark to be able to connect to my server.

But now user can download any version of spark and able to connect.

How do I restrict from OpenFire so that it will accept connection only from the spark client that I have modified.

Please suggest how to proceed.



you need to change the process name of spark to a unique name then add it to the allowed client applications list of the client control plugin.

Thanks Todd for setting the right direction for my issue.

may I ask you one more favour on elaborating your suggestion , like where can I set the process name ?

currently I have changed the APPLICATION_NAME = test client

when I added on the server it is not appearing in the list so that i can select it . ( I am adding a screeshot for clarifying my point )

can you suggest where I am doing it wrong ?

– Sunil.