How to setup Spark source in Eclipse?

Well, that´s sad and it´s more sad when you see Spark it´s the only knowed corporate client for XMPP, the others clients are personals. Can you my dear friend give me the actual spark pakage so i can make it a few tweaks and configurate it to my way??? i don´t know Java/Swing but i can learn it there is a 1rst time for everything, and work in the Client Control features to enance it.
A latest spark package not too complicated and ready to compile, just for make my tweaks and compile it, then in a future add that html text.

You can count with me has an active dev for Spark.

Not sure what you mean by package. If you are familiar with GitHub, then the easiest way to get involved is to provide patches as pull requests here

If you want, you can also download the source there. There are two guides on setting up source in IntelliJ or Eclipse inside the source package.

Contributions are always welcome :slight_smile:

bro where are the guides for Eclipse? link please.

That is the latest spark project?

It is in the source file you can download on GitHub page (src/documentation/). Here’s the online link

This is the latest source. It is not the same as 2.8.3 version is. Because there were a lot of changes in the code since 2.8.3 was released. You can download and try the latest version of Spark from here (nightly builds)

Wich of this Eclipse packages do you recomend me
www. eclipse .org/downloads/eclipse-packages/

I have experience working with Eclipse for PHP Developers, but this is java, which i shuld download??

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers

The regular one. I have used this before switching to IntelliJ.

which one it´s easier for Java, IntelliJ or Eclipse???

I´m having some troubles with Eclipse and my Windows 10, my java VM is v8

There is no difference from the programming stand point. IDE is only there to help you automate some things. Even Notepad can be enough :slight_smile: I’m not a developer, so i can’t say which IDE is better. But i have switched to IntelliJ because of easier integration with GitHub. If you are more familiar with Eclipse and not planning to use GitHub (only local source), then you are probably better using Eclipse.

Spark should work with Java 8 the best. There are some issues when trying to use Java 9/10.

Mmmmmm, bro, i´m having some issues importing

and when i import the Spark project, i try to run the package Startup (in the org.jivesoftware.launcher package) via ‘Run as Java Application’ . But i can´t find it, all what i find it´s a

I have just tried this with Eclipse for Java 4.7.3a. I had to install Java JRE to run Eclipse. I already have JDK installed (using it with IntelliJ). Eclipse has discovered JDK automatically.

Then i have created a new Java Project (left all defaults and pressed finish). Then i have pressed File > Import > Existing Maven projects and pointed to extracted source folder. It has recognized all the structure. Although it showed same errors to me. Eclipse always showed me these errors for a few years i have used it with Spark. Not sure why. It worked fine, so i didn’t bother.

Then i have right clicked and selected Run As > Java Application. There were a few more errors (which is usual for Spark), but the main window has loaded.

P.S. moved this to a separate topic as it is more about development now.