How to start openfire xmpp server from my app's jvm

Hi Guys

I am a newbie in this community. I am evaluating openfire to chat enable my java web application.

I am using a tomcat container. Can i start the openfire server using the same jvm that is running my tomcat.

I tried invoking ServerStarter.main() from my tomcat starter class method but i think its for stand alone startup purpose.

Also I want only the core jabber server to be started up, webconsole is not required, since all such chat configurations should be done through my web page.

So how can we start the xmpp server from our own java code?

Please forgive if anything is not clear

Thanks in advance


the previous version (named Wildfire) had this option but it was never implemented very good - there were quite a few problems. In any case the support for a WAR / EAR file was dropped so you need the Jetty container unless you want to build and support your own war file.


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Thanks LG

for you reply. I am able to start the openfire server using ServerStarter.main() method call and i removed web console by disabling web console plugin. I know this approach is not clean.Unwantedly jetty is getting bundled with our app. Hope we will explore the source code and build a war file to deploy it in any container. Thanks for the reply and we look forward to contribute back.