How to use REST API to perform task on user behalf

Hi All

I am working on project where in I am integrating Openfire Server with an existing Node JS server using REST API Plugin.

Existing project have functionality where in user can create a room and other users can join those room.Now we are using openfire to have chat functionality to those rooms.

The requirement is

  • When user is created in NODE js server, create eqvivalent user in Openfire
  • whenever a room is created in Node Js server,create chat room in openfire.

This functionalities can be achived with REST API plugin.

But the problem is Whenever we make any change on clients behalf ,
does the client or other recipients get the events?

For eg. I make an API call for creating a chat room with, On creation of the chatroom, the members user1, user2 should receive an invite stanza but they don’t receive any events.

It will be really helpful if someone can point me in right direction on how to integrate openfire with existing system.

Thank you.