How to use spark on web

** **hi

i have spark and openfire installed on local server i am using it locally but i want to access spark through internet , how it possible pls help



use SparkWeb

or are you referring to remote access?

thanks for reply

i download sparkweb but how to configure and access from internet, i have already openfire server installed on centos 5.3 and i use spark as client but some user required the spark to be use from outside , so pls help i have one public ip also pls guide


if running apache place them in


thanks it works , but unable to create account from sparkweb??


I think you have to enable “Enable instant message registration notification” - go to your Openfire admin, Users/Groups, Users tab, select Registration Properties and on the right you will have options.

Thanks for reply

But i am unable to find Enable instant message registration option , i have Openfire 3.6.4 server

pls suggest what to do


SparkWeb its just one more of a lot of clients you can use…

The server you are hosting the openfireserver may have a name like “” and should be published in your domain dns server pointing to your server, doing this u can point spark, pandion, meebo, and all other xmpp/jabber clients to your server


i am able to login in sparkweb but unable to create new account in sparkweb

