How to write a listener to listen namespace: jabber:iq:roster

Hi, everyone:

Below code to login XMPP Server. when i call conn.login(), will send a IQ stanza() to server to require roster list.

I want to write a listener to listen when roster IQ(type=‘result’) stanza return.

I just know how to write a listener to listen IQ stanza like this :StanzaFilter stanzaFilter = new StanzaTypeFilter(IQ.class);

** Below is my code: **

XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.Builder configBuilder = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder();


.setUsernameAndPassword(username, password)





SASLAuthentication.registerSASLMechanism(new SASLMechanism() {


protected SASLMechanism newInstance() {

return this;



public int getPriority() {

return 0;



public String getName() {

return null;



protected byte[] getAuthenticationText() throws SmackException {

return null;



public void checkIfSuccessfulOrThrow() throws SmackException {



protected void authenticateInternal(CallbackHandler cbh) throws SmackException {



try {

conn = new XMPPTCPConnection(;

// connect


// add roster listener

roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(getConn());


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** How to write a listenr to listen iq stanza which sub-element named query with namespace “iq:jabber:roster”, as below:**

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StanzaFilter stanzaFilter = new StanzaTypeFilter(IQ.class);

StanzaListener myListener = new StanzaListener() {


public void processPacket(Stanza stanza) throws NotConnectedException {

String from = stanza.getFrom();

String to = stanza.getTo();

System.out.println(“from=” + from + " to=" + to + " stanza=" + stanza);

// Will initialize roster list…



conn.addAsyncStanzaListener(myListener, stanzaFilter);

// login


you can override StanzaFilter.accept method like this:

StanzaFilter filter = new StanzaFilter(){

public boolean accept(Stanza stanza){

// return true when you want to process

