How/where to download 2.5.8 GA source?

We would like to modify the source of the released version 2.5.8… how and where do we obtain this source code? Would prefer if there existed a ZIP instead of having to install and learn SVN …

What are you looking to change in spark. Some of the stuff can be changed without a recompile.

Change graphics, labels, title, text, etc … and remove some functionality (by removing options on menus and such). I think we will need the source to do this … and again would prefer if there was a ZIP or something. I dont mind if we HAVE to use SVN to get the source, but i have no idea on it. can you assist on what commands we would use to retrieve 2.5.8GA and not just get the latest checked in code? We are hoping we could get this all done very quickly

I’m looking for the same. Please somebody help us.

Take care guys

As far as I know, there’s no other way to retrieve the source as through SVN.

First, install an SVN client. Depending on your platform, several are available.

Next, execute this command (from the command line - a GUI will have an option called ‘checkout’ or something resembling it):

svn co

if you like to want the latest (unreleased) code, you do this instead:

svn co