install Openfire 3.9.1
Login to administration page
Goto: Plugins -> Available plugin
Select the + icon on the Jitsi Video Bridge line
Goto: Server -> Jitsi Videobridge
Configure ports range you want use for Media (default from 50000 to 60000). clik con Save Buton
Open this range of ports on your Firewall
Goto: Server -> Server Settings -> Registration & Login. Anonymous login have to be Enabled
Login via SSH to your server
edit this file:
nano /opt/openfire/plugins/jitsivideobridge/apps/ofmeet/js/config.js
change the configuration to adapt to your domain name. Example:
var config = {
*** hosts: {***
*** domain: ‘domain.net’,***
*** muc: ‘conference.domain.net’, // FIXME: use XEP-0030***
*** bridge: ‘jitsi-videobridge.domain.net’ // FIXME: use XEP-0030***
*** },***
*** useIPv6: false, // ipv6 support. use at your own risk***
*** useNicks: false,***
*** useWebsockets: true,***
*** resolution: “360”,***
*** bosh: window.location.protocol + “//” + window.location.host + ‘/http-bind/’ // FIXME: use xep-0156 for that***
Save the changes
Goto plugins directory:
cd /opt/openfire/plugins
download websocket plugin:
wget http://community.igniterealtime.org/servlet/JiveServlet/download/38-23429/websoc kets.war
Restart openfire:
**/etc/init.d/openfire restart
/opt/openfire/bin/openfire restart
Open Chrome
Goto: https://your_server:7443/jitsi/apps/ofmeet
To open onfly conference.
Goto: https://your_server:7443/jitsi/apps/candy
Access with your JID user and password.
Select the name of conference you want use (you have to create the conference before on the Openfire administration page, Group Chat menu)
Goto: https://your_server:7443/jitsi/apps/spark/jitsivideobridge-plugin.jar
To download de Spark Plugin. Copy the plugin file to your spark/plugins directory.