Http:// feedback

  1. My 50 threads per page preferences (seems to no longer exist), after login it defaults to 15.

  2. My address book entries (seems to be lost)

  3. The freedom of speech as the threads are moderated while one knows: “Matt shall make no community respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition JiveSoftware for a redress of grievances.”

  4. Broken text/link on upport?view=discussions and similar pages above “All Content (187)” (Support for the <a href=“”>Openfire Enterprise</a> commercial edition, …)

  5. Did the “English Locale” change from “19-Jul-2007 23:56” to “Jun 28, 2007 5:14 AM” I’'d like once again an English locale without AM/PM.

  6. does not look like (<< huh, here one can post threads without moderation). I’'d like to see all threads in Support without opening the 5 sub communities.

  7. The full and half red dot’'s are missing. Using bold or (Updated) look a little bit different and one should know that this is the case.

  8. (wroot) Where are the point bars?

  9. (wroot) Where are the presence icons?

  10. (wroot) Why are the avatars too small?

  11. (jadestorm) Will there be a tight email/XMPP integration in both directions?

  12. There’'s a “”+" Communities" button and if one hits “+” one can read “There are no communities.” - I really hate links which contain nothing.