Http-bind on 8080 sparkweb


I’ve a question concerning the http-binding.

I try to connect with socket in my openfire serveur and it’s ok but now, i want to connect with the 8080 port and i dont’t know what need to modify for that.

I explain, i’ve install sparkweb in my website.



i can access at sparkweb with

i’ve a proxy that configure to use the http-bind with the client AFFLUX (ésentation-du-client-web)

<Proxy *>
Allow from all

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /http-bind http://localhost:8080/http-bind/
ProxyPassReverse /http-bind http://localhost:8080/http-bind/

and i’have that sparkweb configuration :

server: “localhost”,
connectionType: “http”,
port : “8080”,

and in openfire htpp-bind it’s ok to 8080 port.

Can you help me to find where is the connection’s probleme. I cannot connec with the config.
