Is it possible to have HTTP Bind setup run on ports 80/443 instead of 7070/7443? I understand the HTTP Bind setup has to be adjust accordingly, but what about the SparkWeb client itself? Is there a setting to have SparkWeb use HTTP Bind with port 80, or does this require changes from the source?
Look at index.html. It uses the port on the SparkWeb URL
function jive_sparkweb_getConfig()
var username = getPageParameter(‘username’, ‘’);
var password = getPageParameter(‘password’, ‘’);
var autologin = getPageParameter(‘autologin’, ‘false’);
var webapp = getPageParameter(‘webapp’, ‘red5’);
var conn = getPageParameter(‘conn’, ‘socket’); // socket, http or rtmp (using xmppurl below)
var tls = getPageParameter(‘tls’, ‘true’); // socket, use TLS or not