I being thick

Have installed the server, but cant find instruction on how users will connect to the messenger service. Is it totally web based?

Also, installed prior to installing IIS. Does this mean I should re-install?

Sry for the dumb questions. If anyone know of a client user starter guy that would be great.




There’'s a long list of clients you can use at http://www.jabber.org/software/clients.shtml



only administrating part of server is web based, you can use variety of clients to connect to it (standalone, java, web based, flash, etc.)

IIS should work fine i think. Do you really need it for your IM server?

client starter guide? Hm… Start Admin Console and create a user, Download Exodus, install it, run it, register your user in it and connect to server. In Exodus account setup you should put: username@servername

Servername would be your machine’'s name