I can't use the Publish Desktop Screen in Red5's SparkWeb,Help me.Thx!

hi all :

I want to use the Publish Desktop Screen function on red5’s sparkweb ,but it can’t work.

I use tomcat (port 8888), My openfire and red5 is standard configuration(http bind 7070 and 7443. red5.url is rtmp:/oflaDem).

All functions are working properly,but Publish Desktop Screen function.

When I use the Publish Desktop Screen (Click the Publish Desktop Screen’s button on sparkweb), then occur an error as follow:

Apache Tomcat/6.0.16 - Error report

HTTP Status 404 - /red5/viewer

type Status report

message /red5/viewer

description The requested resource (/red5/viewer) is not available.

At this time , the browser url is http://localhost:8888/red5/viewer?username=admin.

But the port 8888 is used by my tomcat.

So i think the url should be http://localhost:7070/red5/viewer?username=admin

but i do not know how to solve this problem.

Thanks very much.


Sounds like you are using the Red5 SparkWeb in a way not intended

Unlike the standard SparkWeb, The Red5 plugin SparkWeb is supposed to be run from with the red5 plugin whichh means it expects to on the Openfire http-bind port. If you want to use it this way, change the parameters in index.html or modify the Flex source code and recompile