I download Red5 server plugin, But can not found client plugin

I install the red5 plugin to my openfire server, And I notice there are some client plugin to connect with it, But I cannot find where to download it?

I user Pandion 2.5.

anyone help me?

You find the plugin under

Pandion => http://yourserver:9090/red5/pandion.zip

Spark => http://yourserver:9090/red5/red5-plugin.jar

Actually, Pandion 2.5 plug-in is called red5.pdn and it’'s located here:

C:\Program Files\Wildfire\plugins\red5\red5.pdn

Pandion.zip contains the files needed for mod’'ing the Pandion client in

order to work with red5 plug-in and wildfire server.

Message was edited by: yz7rea

I found it ,Thank you all.