I forgot admin password

I forgot admin password on Jive Messenger 2.2.2. Help me please.

Hey extrems,

Are you storing users in the database? If you do and you are using the embedded db then stop the server. If you do and you are using any other database then you don’'t have to stop the server. You will then need to connect to your database and execute the following statement: select password from jiveUser where username=’‘admin’’. The result will show you the password of the admin user. OTOH, if you are using LDAP then you can get the password by using an LDAP browser and looking for the admin user.


– Gato


I’'m not sure whether JM did already support the authorizedUsernames TAG in conf/jivemessenger.xml (or how the configuration file is called). You could add there a user whose password you know and restart Wildfire Jive Messenger to use this account to login the web admin console.