I have a problem. Error or result packet could not be delivered

Hello everyone

my warn.log Have been wrong.All users have failed to log in. I hope you can help me. Thank you.

It’s all this news.

2018.04.16 08:15:11 org. jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Error or result packet could not be delivered <iq type=“result” id="a@123.com" to="a@123.com/FamilyCloud"/>

You should check error.log. Warn log only has warnings, such warnings are not critical usually.

There was no mistake in the error log when the warning occurred.

If your users can’t login there has to be some error. I suggest going directly into logs directory in Openfire installation, taking all.log and posting here (maybe paste it to some https://pastebin.com/ and post a link here). What client are users using? What error does client show? Maybe there are logs on the client which can show a problem. If it is Spark, you can find logs at C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Spark\logs\ (look through all files and post most recent entries, when you try and fail to login).

I have the same error in my app. The app can connect to open fire and can send messages to other clients but it cannot receive any messages and Openfire does not recognise this user as online user. So every time the client gets push notification.
Does anyone knows what causes This problem?