I want to create my Custom Spark

Hi Community my Company wants to have a custom skinned Spark so it can be like other apps we have…

I want to modify some fonts, the log in interface and some minnor changes with emojis, and the main interface of the program…

I read about in the forums that i can modify a file named… “Spark.jar” so i can apply all of those changes but when i do it my client doesn’t do anything…

Others says to modify some more deep settings with other programs but i dont have so much insight on those languages…

Does in the forum have some tutorials with images or something to be more easily to change the look of my Spark or how can i do it in easy steps???

Please help!!

Sorry for my english but im not an english native user…

Thanks in advance!

I haven’t done such customizing myself, so can only give a link, though it is very old Build a Branded/Skinned Version of Spark

Yeah i follow that topic myself but i dont know if i can do it in the current version of Spark that we have in my company (2.8.3)…

But because it is outdated i dont know if it works… or how to do it because i dont have any Java Knowledge…

I will try to put some effort with that but if you know someone that who can modify the client please let me know!..
