I just upgraded from Jive Messager, one of the last versions, to Wildfire (2.4.4). The upgrade went fairly smooth. The upgrade documentation was not great but we got by. The problem I have now is that I no longer connect from a MAC using iChat. Has anyone else go iChat to work with Wildfire? It worked great with Jive. All the PC’'s are fine. I can download Spark IM for MAC and it will work. I would rather not have to use Spark on the MAC. Any help out there?
When I try to login from the MAC the error it gives on the server is
2006.02.03 15:31:42 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
2006.02.03 15:31:42 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
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Have you tested the connection to the server with a different client (just to see if that there is no problem with the Mac)? Also, did your server keep all the same setting after the update (port settings and SSL or TSL)? I had a problem with my iChat client, but the problem was fixed by trashing the iChat prefs.
I just tested iChat with the latest versio of Wildfire and it appears to be working fine. Are there any other hints as to what might be going wrong?
With the debug log on the message the server gives me is.
Connection closed before session established
Connection closed before session established
Connection closed before session established
Connection closed before session established
i can connect using Spark of the MAC. I have tried removing the iChat preferences and recreating the account but no luck. i did an upgrade to the server and copied all the files over from the previous Jive Messager and the upgrade seemed to go fine. I do not think any settings have changed.
In the security settings both the client and server are set to Optional and there are no Installed Certiicates listed.
This happens on all the MAC’‘s (20), the PC’'s are fine.
I was able to get the certificates back in. I just did a reinstall and copes the preferences and databases back in. Still did not fix the MAC issue. Like I said Spark works from the MAC but not iChat. I would rather not have to put spark on all the MAC’'s. Any other ideas or things to try.
Unfortunately, I’'m a bit stumped. If somebody else could confirm this issue, that would be great. Is there any way to get an XML log of the traffic from ichat?
I am having the same problems when I upgraded. All my iChats for MAC are not working. After the upgrade, I wiped the database and then I uninstalled wildfire. Then I did a clean install of wildfire and the database. Still only works with PC’'s and MAC are still not responding. This is the warning I get when trying to log in with iChat: 2006.02.07 02:05:05 Closing session due to incorrect hostname in stream header. Connection: org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketConnection@191777e socket: Socket[addr=/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,port=1147,localport=5269] session: null
I fixed it! I changed the server from applechat to applechat.XXX.XXX then restarted the service and Voila! It now all works. PC and MAC
Message was edited by: penguinbp
Aha! Now I’'m starting to put the puzzle together. Chris: I need to know two things:
What’‘s the server name you’'re using in the iChat connection settings?
What’'s the “Server Name” listed as under Server Settings in the admin console?
On the admin console it is prepserver and in iChat it was IP addess of the server. I have also tried the name (prepserver). I have tried both combinations in iChat and neither has worked.
penguinbp - did you change is on the server? what did you use in iChat as your server and JabberID? What is the applechat.XXX.XXX? Did you just change the name or did the XXX.XXX have a reference to something?
Message was edited by: chris.martin
I go it. In iChat you have to use the server name in “Jabber ID” username@servername. Then in the Server setting, “Server Name” use the IP. Before you could use the IP in the Jabber ID.
2006.03.01 12:29:28 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
b9726e[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=55132,localport=5223]]
2006.03.01 12:33:37 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
f507d2[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=55181,localport=5223]]
2006.03.01 12:34:22 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
2e9c76[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=55185,localport=5223]]
2006.03.01 12:34:43 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
2006.03.01 12:34:43 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
2006.03.01 12:35:17 [org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketReader.run(SocketReader.java:159)
] Connection closed before session established
My iChat clients get a disconnect once they log in. Wildfire reports pretty much the same as chris.martin reported above. I’‘ve tried using different combinations of “username@servername” and “username@ipaddress” and “username”, with no avail. Sorry to bump an old thread but it seems to be the same issue. I’'m running Wildfire 2.5.0.
What is your server name configured as? And, what is server name you’'re using for connections?
Server Name: chat.pressenterprise.net
That’‘s the name I’'m using to connect as well. However this is for internal-use only.
Hey Bret,
The warning message: “Closing session due to incorrect hostname in stream header. Connection: org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketConnection@191777e socket: Socket[addr=/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,port=1147,localport=5269] session: null” is logged when a client tries to start a session with the server using an incorrect server name. But you already have figured that out.
FYI, the next Wildfire release will include in the warning message the hostname that the client was using. Hopefully, this will help admins to figure out this problem in an easier way.
– Gato
Wildfire is giving me this in the Debug log:
2006.03.03 13:45:12 SSL Connect 8d1800[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=57933,localport=5223]]
2006.03.03 13:45:12 Trying to find a user’'s DN based on their username. uid: chris.m, Base DN: cn=users,dc=enterpe,dc=com…
2006.03.03 13:45:12 Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…
2006.03.03 13:45:12 Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…
2006.03.03 13:45:12 … context created successfully, returning.
2006.03.03 13:45:12 Starting LDAP search…
2006.03.03 13:45:12 … search finished
2006.03.03 13:45:12 In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: uid=cmarcera…
2006.03.03 13:45:12 Created context values, attempting to create context…
2006.03.03 13:45:12 … context created successfully, returning.
2006.03.03 13:45:12 Logging off chris.m@chat.pressenterprise.net/iChat on org.jivesoftware.wildfire.net.SocketConnection@122e0b3 socket: 8d1800[SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA: Socket[addr=/,port=57933,localport=5223]] session: org.jivesoftware.wildfire.ClientSession@df88d2 status: 3 address: chris.m@chat.pressenterprise.net/iChat id: 379bd09 presence:
iChat tries to connect, tries to load a buddy list, but then “Unexpectedly loses connection.” - Where can I check iChat’‘s system log for info? I’'ve tried every combination of username, ip, and hostname in all the iChat fields I can think of.