IM clients other than Spark

I have been using Spark to test my new server, and everything was more or less fine, at least I had no problem loggin in. Currently, I decided to test whether other clients are going to be working with the server since I want a number of people to be able to use the server. Unfortunately, the two clients that I tested (GAIM and Psi) were unsuccessful: I could not connect to the server. Also, I did not see any attempts to connect to the server by those clients in the logs.

It is extremely important to me that that feature would work. Any help would be great.

What errors are you seeing?

Gaim and Psi will both work fine with Wildfire, it’'s just a matter of mastering the account setup process (not Wildfire account, but rather the client software account).

When first getting started I ran into some issues with JIDs and hostname. I was trying to connect from a Windows machine to Wildfire running on RedHat but the host part of my JID ( after the @ ) wasn’'t resolvable on my network.

One remedy was to alter the local hosts file, but obviously that’'s not ideal so most clients have a “manually specify server host/port” where you enter the IP address and then the client uses this info to connect but still passes the JID specified for authentication.


2007.02.02 10:02:15 Connect Socket[addr=/xx.xx.xx.xx,port=1115,localport=5222]

2007.02.02 10:02:15 Logging off on socket: Socket[addr=/xx.xx.xx.xx,port=1115,localport=5222] session: org.jivesoftware.wildfire.ClientSession@190532c status: 1 address: wildfire server name/7fc3095 id: 7fc3095 presence:

Those are the lines I am getting in the debug logs when I try to login using gaim. Gaim says that server does not use any supported any supported authentication method.

I am still not sure how to fix that. However, it is really important to me that the users using my server can login using any IM client they want.

I am running Psi on Suse 10.0 , Jabbin, Gaim, Kopete(w/SSL). Ihave no issues connecting. Are you running strict SSL/TLS communications?

yes, and the only client that I can connect with is Spark

just to make sure that my setup of the account on Gaim is correct, here is what I have:

Protocol: Jabber

Screenname: my username

Server: ip addres of the server

Resource: Gaim

Jabber options in Advanced Settings: Use TLS if available is checked

Port: 5222

I tried to disable required SSL option on the server (but I left the “Use TLS if available” option checked). However, I got the same error again. Is anything wrong with my setup?

did you leave the connect server field blank or fill in the server name? Also, did you try and use strictly SSL as a test with plaintext passwords enabled?


I did all of this, but now it is just saying that it cannot connect to the host

I tried changing the port to 5223 while having “Use TSL if available” and “Allow plaintext” options available. I got the following error logs:

007.02.02 14:08:51 SSL Connect e26ae7[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=39406,localport=5223]]

2007.02.02 14:08:51 Error creating session Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?

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at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.readBytes(Unknown Source)

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2007.02.02 14:08:51 Connection closed before session established

e26ae7[SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL: Socket[addr=/,port=39406,localport=5223]]

misskatrine wrote:

just to make sure that my setup of the account on Gaim is correct, here is what I have:

Protocol: Jabber

Screenname: my username

Server: ip addres of the server

Note that due to the AIM-ism (or GAIM-ism according to one of the developers), if your jabber id is “foo@bar”, your screenname is supposed to be “foo” and the server is supposed to be “bar”. You can set the IP of the server in Advanced → Connect server (you shouldn’'t have to do that if the network setup is correct).

I already complained to them about that, since that’'s rather unintuitive.

misskatrine wrote:

I tried changing the port to 5223 while having “Use TSL if available” and “Allow plaintext” options available. I got the following error logs:

The log says you tried to connect to port 5223 without using SSL. Use port 5222 for connecting, 5223 is deprecated (I actually disabled this one on my server).