In openfire How to create a bot which will be logging in as a bot user and automatically joins to the chatroom to which it is a participant after login, and if a new chatroom is created in which bot user is a participant then automatically the bot user has to join the newly created chatroom and get all the messages.
I have seen botz library Botz: Internal Bot Library for Openfire but according to the comment section it is updated long back. So, is there any bot library using which I can achieve the above use cases.
Something like that doesn’t really exist in Openfire. You could follow the route that Botz did, by implementing a packet listener - but that wouldn’t actually be a ‘user’ - it would simply be able to intercept all stanzas, and operate on them if so desired.
Another solution would be to create a regular, external client, using a library like Smack (or one of the many third party libraries), and implement the desired functionality that way.
The first option is probably a lot less complex, but needs to be implemented as an Openfire plugin. The latter can be run as a stand-alone process (which may or may not be an advantage), but will probably be more complex to do.