Installation issue step 2 of 3 user mapping with AD

Hello there,

This is my first post here.

I would like to evaluate wildfire but I have an issue during intallation process step 2 of 3 users mapping.I have read the install and ldap guide.

Step 1 is ok and I can connect to my AD controller as domain admin. test is successfull.

I am not able to retrieve any users in step 2 of 3. If I do a test with defaults settings I have a failure.

Here is my situation :

Users are located in a sub OU

OU Accounts —>main OU

OU domainusers —> sub OU where my users are.

As a result asciedit is giving me this distinguished name

OU Accounts OU=Accounts,DC=companyname,DC=com

OU domainusers OU=domainusers,OU=Accounts,DC=companyname,DC=com

As you can imagine I have browsed this forum and try to build a filter string matching with my needs with no success at all.

I have tried a filter like this one:

(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user)(OU=domainusers,OU=Accounts,DC=companyn ame,DC=com)

Any help is more than welcome, I would like to evaluate this software which seems to be quite good but hard to setup.

My final Idea is to create a security group inside CN=Users called wildfire in order to grant users access.

Best Regards.


what is your base DN set to?

If you only want to allow users from OU domainusers OU=domainusers,OU=Accounts,DC=companyname,DC=com then make that your base DN to simplify matters. I have various threads regarding SSO that shows my config for my AD domain. They also provide steps taken to get SSO to work correctly with spark 2.5.3.

Also what is the exact error? It could be that the Administrator DN is wrong. I have found that it only works correctly for me if I use the simple structure of domain\username.