Hello there,
This is my first post here.
I would like to evaluate wildfire but I have an issue during intallation process step 2 of 3 users mapping.I have read the install and ldap guide.
Step 1 is ok and I can connect to my AD controller as domain admin. test is successfull.
I am not able to retrieve any users in step 2 of 3. If I do a test with defaults settings I have a failure.
Here is my situation :
Users are located in a sub OU
OU Accounts —>main OU
OU domainusers —> sub OU where my users are.
As a result asciedit is giving me this distinguished name
OU Accounts OU=Accounts,DC=companyname,DC=com
OU domainusers OU=domainusers,OU=Accounts,DC=companyname,DC=com
As you can imagine I have browsed this forum and try to build a filter string matching with my needs with no success at all.
I have tried a filter like this one:
(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=user)(OU=domainusers,OU=Accounts,DC=companyn ame,DC=com)
Any help is more than welcome, I would like to evaluate this software which seems to be quite good but hard to setup.
My final Idea is to create a security group inside CN=Users called wildfire in order to grant users access.
Best Regards.