Installing plugin

hii all…

I have downloaded jar files for the broadcast plugin and search plugin, and also stored that jars into the plugin folder of jive messenger, jive has successfully extracted that jars.

But the thing is, there is no change in the admin console, as just simple user search that was already supported is only there, no advanced search or something like that. Similarly, there is a no change in broadcast messeage.

I want to know that functionallity supplied by plugins are already supported by jive admin console ?? or I am going into the wrong direction.

thanking you all,

Waiting for reply,


Pranav Thakker

Search plugin for JM Forums

i was looking for the same at first:) But these plugins improve client side part, not the Admin Console. Try search or broadcast in your client;)

Hey Pranav,

But the thing is, there is no change in the admin

console, as just simple user search that was already

supported is only there, no advanced search or

something like that. Similarly, there is a no change

in broadcast messeage.

I want to know that functionallity supplied by

plugins are already supported by jive admin console

?? or I am going into the wrong direction.

As it has been said those plugins do not add new functionality to the Admin Console. However, you can click on the Plugins menu item and you will see which plugins have been loaded and are being used by the server.


– Gato

Hey Gato,

Thanks for your reply,

Hey can you give me any example plugin which adds some functionality in admin console, as I have tried to develop it myself but did not get success.

Please, help me out.

Thanking you,

Pranav Thakker

There are only 2 official plugins now: broadcast and search. But Ryang is working on other plugins, so maybe soon we’'ll have some plugins which will enchance JM functionality directly in Admin Console. You can ask Ryang about making plugins, or just write private message to him.

search broadcast plugin!

wroot, Thanks for volunteering my services.

pranav, If you’'re still having troubles let me know, I can put together a simple little plugin that adds functionality to the admin console. But, remember to read over the best practices section in the url= n-dev-guide.htmlplugin developer guide[/url], specifically the entry that says, “Integrate into existing tabs and sidebar sections whenever possible instead of creating your own. Only create new tabs for very significant new functionality.”

Hope that helps,


Hey Pranav,

Check out url= n-dev-guide.htmlthis guide[/url] which may help you out. If you are still having problems let us know.


– Gato