IRC Channel?

Is there a wildfire IRC support/chat channel?

Hey djkast,

You will need to setup a gateway to have IRC access. A quick google search revealed:

And a gateway called JJIGW but I don’‘t know if it’'s still under active development.


– Gato

Thanks… But I meant is there an irc channel on undernet or efnet, where Wildfire users/devs goto chat?

Woops! Every wednesday we have a public chat where anyone can join and make questions, present ideas or discuss any isse. Follow this link for more info:


– Gato

Why use IRC when you can use Jabber? (After all, this is[/i] a Jabber server). Just follow the link Gato posted, or use your favorite client and connect to Normally there are only people there Wednesdays (around 17:00UTC) , but a few people show up in there at other times during the week.

I believe djcast finds the web chat weird as most os projects have irc channels. The live chat on a certain day and time is nice and very corporate like (which is understandable as jive is a for profit company) however I feel a irc channel on codehause or freenode would be more informal and immediate (having issues and having to wait for a week to speak to the dev’‘s is kind of sucky). I don’'t know from one side is good, from other it lacks.

I certainly understand not wanting to wait. But an IRC channel makes no sense here, since Jabber provides the same functionality and that is what this community is all about. You are more than welcome to hang out in I occationally idle in there, but this community seems to like the fourms most at this point.

Also, if you have a problem, the fourms are a great place to ask questions, because it gets recorded so others can use the same solution if they encounter the same problem. If you need more imediate help, purchase support from Jive- its really not all that expensive (for a company).


I really wonder where makes profit, of course there is the option to pay for support for free software, and you can also pay for httpd.apache support if you like to.

Some companies offer live webcasts which are more one-way than MUC. Other profit companies don’‘t offer a public forum and I’'ve seen none which maintains an IRC channel for support.

Of course one could create a Wildfire room on but a Wildfire IRC room would be really silly.


While I agree that Jive (the .org part) is getting some things right, I also agree with the topic starter that it would be valuable if there was at least a place where you can get a little more instantaneous feedback. I don’‘t really care whether it’'s on XMPP or on IRC, but some knowledgeable people in a chatbox would be useful and could also be fun.

While these forums are quite effective, I don’‘t yet see much of an energetic enthusiastic fun part of the community. That may be an oversight on my part, but I’‘d say it’'d make a valuable addition.


We definitely like to have fun. So, we’‘re open to any ideas you have. The dev community is probably still a bit too small for someone to always be in a group chat room to help answer questions. However, we could try to be around unofficially a bit more often (more than just Wednesdays). Do you have other suggestions? One idea I’'ve been playing around with is a “Wildfire Army”. Basically, a team of community people dedicated to helping to spread the word about the server.


I like the idea of having someone in the chat more often. Realizing you are a small company, maybe it should be a bit more informal than a developer. Maybe we need a “lounge” room for more general dissusion?


You don’'t have to have someone there officially, but just being around a more often, idling, would help, I think.

The thing that would help most, I think, is if developers/people were just a little more responsive in the support forums. Sure, you seem to get some answers out, and it2000 is doing A LOT of work fielding support questions, but I think this topic really shows how things should go:

Whereas my topic, for example, has been silent for two days, while my issue is still unresolved. Apparently, it2000’‘s ideas have been exhausted, but I’'d like other people to take a look at it and give me more ideas about diagnosing the problem:

Even worse, when I was searching the forums for clues I ran into a topic that had a verified bug; but then there was no more developer feedback! (See url= topic[/url]) As open source projects go, this is the kind of thing you should be avoiding. Developers should take every chance they have to spread their knowledge about the system; explain why things don’'t work and figure out bugs. This will in turn generate more knowledge among community members, who can then take over more and more support work, and over time some useful contributors may arise. Opening up the bug tracker would be a nice gesture, maybe a wiki would be a useful idea.

Other than that, I don’'t think you need much of a marketing effort. Your most important marketing asset, in my view, is not even on your own site:

If your community is great, word-of-mouth will take over pretty fast. You don’'t need to organize a Wildfire Army, just facilitate the community learning.

Hi Matt,

However, we could try to be around unofficially a bit more often /i

I remember when FastPath (or the WebChat?) was introduced, there was a button on this web page to talk to you or Derek.

As chats tend to be a talk-and-forget media they are good for special questions but it can be very annoying to hear the same how-do-I-create-a-shared-group twice a day.

So what I’'d like to see is a Wiki for Wildfire and a way to add shortcuts to Spark like FastPath does allow this. So if one asks a well-documented question one could post a link to it very fast.


I believe djcast finds the web chat weird as most os

projects have irc channels.

Not really on-topic, but IMO these projects should migrate to Jabber and use MUC. This would help network effects a lot.