Is there a way to configure NoSQL Database rather than Relational DB in Openfire Server?

is there a way to configure NoSQL Database rather than Relational DB in Openfire Server?

this wont be an easy migration, because openfire heavily relies on SQL and it runs deeply in the core

This would be really hard Ithink. Just out of curiosity: What would be the benefit in replacing the – more or less – standardized SQL layer with a NoSQL DB and which one should be used?

As per my technical architect, NoSQLDB provides more scalability than Relational DBMS.

However, i found the following link to integrate custom database into Openfire: guide.html

Here my Question are:

How would i include my implementation class to AuthProvider into Server?

As per documentation, only a few SQL statements are available… what else i might need to change from SQL to MongoDb Query?

If it’s too hard to achieve or too much work is required from Developer , Can anyone point me which XMPP Server will integrate with NoSQLDb.

Thanks in advance.

