Is there a way to monitor Spark Clients Idle time

Mid size company is utilizing Spark for internal communication. They also would be interested in monitoring how long someone is idle. Spark will show away if the user has not been working at their station for 10 minutes I believe. However I am not sure if there is way to determine how long they have been away. It just says away.

Thank you,

Frank Vivirito

You can right click on a user in Spark and select “View last activity”. It should show for how long this contact is idle or offline. Same information can be found in the Admin Console: Offline users - Last Logout column on the Users page; Idle users - Sessions page, going into individual session and checking the Last Activity field. Though it may be incorrect at times. E.g. if your computer is configured to go to sleep after a long idle time, then Spark will for a second will become online and then offline when computer is switching to sleep mode, so it would reset the idle timer.

I tried right clicking on the User in Spark. There is not an option for “View Last Activity” Just View Contact History, Show Status Message and View Client Version. I see the other option, however like you said it is unreliable.

Any other ways?

This menu entry is only shown for away and offline users. There are no other options.

The option is there for Offline users but not away…

It should be there for away users also. Have you checked multiple away users? What version of Spark are you using? You can try installing this version on two PCs, let one idle out and check its last activity on another one. ll4j/spark_2_7_0_665.exe