Is XIFF library connect jabber server by TCP(not http binding or polling)

Hello, everyone.

I have write one web client by javascript and the javascript library jsjac. It connect with the jabber server through HTTP by http polling or http binding mode. But the compoment between the jabber server and the web client are not stably( I just found the JabberHTTPBinding.war and punjab). So, I thought the http bind or polling mode are not so good, and I want write one web client connect with the jabber server by TCP.

I just want know, is xiff library connect with the jabber server by tcp or by http polling / http binding?

As i am not so familiar with flash , before coding, I must have a search.

Many thanks.

XIFF and flash do use the tcp socket approach, but watch out, as it will not support ssl or tls because flash does not support secured sockets yet.

Hope this helps.


good, that’'s helpful!
