Jabber user directory over Web

I would like to know is there a user directory based on web with profiles (ID, Name and other data like Yahoo), if there is not exist do you think to make it for the future???. Think about it.

Saben si es posible generar de alguna manera el directorio de usuarios para publicarlo en una Web, lo que quiero es qeu la gente pueda acceder a un sitioWeb donde esten publicados los perfiles de usuarios con su Jid y otros datos para que se puedan acceder a ellos (Tal como lo tiene yahoo o Hotmail) , por supuesto lo ideal seria que se pudiera decidir quien puede o no acceder a estos datos , de no existir esta posibilidad tienen pensado implementarla en un futuro?

I don’'t know of one in the current stable release nor have I heard of any possible web interface that has been proposed.

It probably would be something as simple as building a web form to query against the database. So i wouldn’‘t suspect it wouldn’'t be too hard depending on what Database you were currently using.

Do you mean this feature?:
