Java Memory

When i start i jive … i get the below on the admin console…

5.77 MB of 63.31 MB (9.1%) used

cat /proc/meminfo command informs me

MemTotal: 1018956 kB

MemFree: 629460 kB (i.e 614 MB)

Can i instruct jive to use more memory, so that my server would be at a safer side for many users ?

Help ?

do a search on the forums for memory and you will come up with lots of help.

here is an example:

i have 1 GB memory on my linux server, which has cvs and other softwares like that installed…

i have give -Xms150M -Xmx450M to start jive server

When i do - cat /proc/meminfo - i get

MemTotal: 1018956 kB

MemFree: 589964 kB

Some times i get 80000 kB (approx), why is this ?

is that ok ?


Muthu veerappan