Java or something other problems

hello, i have some problems with the installation of wildfire 3.1.1

My BS ist Debian Sarge.

I have Wildfire with this instructions install ->

my problem ist java. i have not engouh information about the system.

now the erorromessage when ich will start wildfire from the console.


aida:~# /etc/init.d/wildfired start

No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.

The version of the JVM must be at least 1.5.

Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.

You can also try to delete the JVM cache file /opt/wildfire/.install4j

Can you help me?

maybe in German?

Greetz from cologne


I am sorry I do not speak German.

Do you have Java installed on the system? Please type at the command prompt: which java

If you do not get the java version returned, or if it returns an entry lower than java You may not have the proper version.

If you do not get a return entry go to /usr or /usr/bin and attempt to locate your java executable.

Best regards,


Poorly Translated below


Ich bin traurig, daß ich nicht Deutsches spreche.

Haben Sie Java, das auf das System angebracht wird. Schreiben Sie bitte am Befehlseingabeformat: welches Java,

wenn Sie nicht die Java Version zurückgebracht erhalten, oder wenn es eine Eintragung niedriger als Java 1.5 zurü können Sie nicht die korrekte Version haben.

Wenn Sie nicht eine Rückholeintragung erhalten, gehen zu /usr oder/usr/bin und Versuch, Ihr Java zu lokalisieren vollziehbar.

Bester Respekt,


thanks. My system has the last JAVA install. See this here (jdk-6-linux-i586-rpm.bin) from the sun website.

i have testet the system with

java -version

the result was okay, java runs.

only the wildfiresystem give me the errormessage from the top entry yesterday.

i understand this not

PS: It’'s no problem mit your german. i can read an write english, but not so good as you.

Message was edited by: brali

Have you set a JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java ? (path to JAVA)

It should be in your path however if not, you will have to set it manually


  1. JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java

  2. export JAVA_HOME

  3. cd /opt/wildfire/bin

  4. sh -x wildfire start

(this last command will give you shell information when Wildfire starts)

Message was edited by: jeff_garner

This is the Output from my console:

++ pwd

  • old_pwd=/opt/wildfire/bin

++ basename wildfire

  • progname=wildfire

++ dirname wildfire

  • linkdir=.

  • cd .

  • prg=wildfire

  • ‘’[’’ -h wildfire ‘’]’’

++ dirname wildfire

  • prg_dir=.

  • cd .

++ pwd

  • prg_dir=/opt/wildfire/bin

  • app_home=…/

  • cd …/

++ pwd

  • app_home=/opt/wildfire

  • bundled_jre_home=/opt/wildfire/jre

  • cd /opt/wildfire/bin/.

  • ‘’[’’ -f /opt/wildfire/jre/lib/rt.jar.pack ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • test_jvm

  • tested_jvm=na

  • test_dir=

  • bin_dir=/bin

  • java_exc=/bin/java

  • ‘’[’’ -z ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • return

  • ‘’[’’ -z ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -f /opt/wildfire/.install4j/pref_jre.cfg ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

++ which java

  • path_java=/javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java

++ expr /javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java : ‘’(.*)/bin/java$’’

  • path_java_home=/javahome/jdk1.6.0

  • test_jvm /javahome/jdk1.6.0

  • tested_jvm=na

  • test_dir=/javahome/jdk1.6.0

  • bin_dir=/javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin

  • java_exc=/javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ ‘’!’’ -d /javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ ‘’!’’ -f /javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ ‘’!’’ -x /javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java ‘’]’’

  • tested_jvm=false

  • read_db_entry

  • ‘’[’’ -n ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • db_file=/root/.install4j

  • ‘’[’’ ‘’!’’ -f /root/.install4j ‘’]’’

  • return 1

  • create_db_entry

  • tested_jvm=true

  • echo testing JVM in /javahome/jdk1.6.0 …

testing JVM in /javahome/jdk1.6.0 …

++ /javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -version

  • version_output=java version “1.6.0”

Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)

Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)

++ expr ''java version “1.6.0”

Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)

Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)’’ : ‘’.*gcj’’

  • is_gcj=0

  • ‘’[’’ 0 = 0 ‘’]’’

++ expr ''java version “1.6.0”

Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)

Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)’’ : ‘’."(.) ".*’’

  • java_version=1.6.0

++ expr 1.6.0 : ‘’([0-9])…’’

  • ver_major=1

++ expr 1.6.0 : ‘’[0-9][0-9].([0-9])…*’’

  • ver_minor=6

++ expr 1.6.0 : ‘’[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].([0-9]).’’

  • ver_micro=0

++ expr 1.6.0 : ‘’._(.)’’

  • ver_patch=

  • ‘’[’’ ‘’’’ = ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • ver_patch=0

  • ‘’[’’ -n ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • db_new_file=/root/.install4j_new

  • ‘’[’’ -f /root/.install4j ‘’]’’

++ echo /javahome/jdk1.6.0

++ sed -e ‘‘s/ /

  • dir_escaped=/javahome/jdk1.6.0

  • echo ‘‘JRE_VERSION /javahome/jdk1.6.0 1 6 0 0’’

  • ‘’[’’ 1 = ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ 1 -lt 1 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ 1 -eq 1 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ 6 -lt 5 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ 1 = ‘’’’ ‘’]’’

  • app_java_home=/javahome/jdk1.6.0

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • ‘’[’’ -z /javahome/jdk1.6.0 ‘’]’’

  • vmoptions_val=

  • vmoptions_file=/opt/wildfire/bin/wildfire.vmoptions

  • ‘’[’’ -r /opt/wildfire/bin/wildfire.vmoptions ‘’]’’


  • local_classpath=

  • add_class_path /opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar

  • ‘’[’’ -n /opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar ‘’]’’

++ expr /opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar : ‘’.****’’

  • ‘’[’’ 0 -eq 0 ‘’]’’

  • local_classpath=/opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar

  • ‘’[’’ ‘’!’’ -d /opt/wildfire/lib ‘’]’’

++ ls /opt/wildfire/lib

++ egrep ‘’.(jar$|zip$)’’

  • add_class_path /opt/wildfire/lib/activation.jar

  • ‘’[’’ -n /opt/wildfire/lib/activation.jar ‘’]’’

++ expr /opt/wildfire/lib/activation.jar : ‘’.****’’

  • ‘’[’’ 0 -eq 0 ‘’]’’

  • local_classpath=/opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/acti vation.jar

  • add_class_path /opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar

  • ‘’[’’ -n /opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar ‘’]’’

++ expr /opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar : ‘’.****’’

  • ‘’[’’ 0 -eq 0 ‘’]’’

  • local_classpath=/opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/acti vation.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar

  • add_class_path /opt/wildfire/lib/jdic.jar

  • ‘’[’’ -n /opt/wildfire/lib/jdic.jar ‘’]’’

++ expr /opt/wildfire/lib/jdic.jar : ‘’.****’’

  • ‘’[’’ 0 -eq 0 ‘’]’’

  • local_classpath=/opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/acti vation.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/jdic.jar

  • add_class_path /opt/wildfire/lib/mail.jar

  • ‘’[’’ -n /opt/wildfire/lib/mail.jar ‘’]’’

++ expr /opt/wildfire/lib/mail.jar : ‘’.****’’

  • ‘’[’’ 0 -eq 0 ‘’]’’

  • local_classpath=/opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/acti vation.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/jdic.jar:/opt/w i ldfire/lib/mail.jar

  • add_class_path /opt/wildfire/lib/startup.jar

  • ‘’[’’ -n /opt/wildfire/lib/startup.jar ‘’]’’

++ expr /opt/wildfire/lib/startup.jar : ‘’.****’’

  • ‘’[’’ 0 -eq 0 ‘’]’’

  • local_classpath=/opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/acti vation.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/jdic.jar:/opt/w i ldfire/lib/mail.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/startup.jar

  • echo ‘‘Starting wildfire’’

Starting wildfire

  • exit 0

aida:/opt/wildfire/bin# + nohup /javahome/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -server -Dinstall4j. jvmDir=/javahome/jdk1.6.0 -Dinstall4j.appDir=/opt/wildfire -Dexe4j.moduleName=/o pt/wildfire/bin/wildfire -classpath /opt/wildfire/.install4j/i4jruntime.jar:/opt /wildfire/lib/activation.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/bouncycastle.jar:/opt/wildfire/l i b/jdic.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/mail.jar:/opt/wildfire/lib/startup.jar com.install4 j.runtime.Launcher start org.jivesoftware.wildfire.starter.ServerStarter false f alse /opt/wildfire/bin/…/logs/stderror.log /opt/wildfire/bin/…/logs/stdoutt.lo g true true false ‘’’’ true true 0 0 ‘’’’ 20 20 Arial 0,0,0 8 500 ‘‘version 3.1.1’’ 20 40 Arial 0,0,0 8 500 -1 -DwildfireHome=/opt/wildfire -Dwildfire.lib.dir=/opt/wi ldfire/lib start

nohup: hänge Ausgabe an ,nohup.out" an.

sorry this is a german distrub. Can you help me with this outout?

greetz Chris


it looks like the script is now starting Wildfire.

Do you see port 9090 and 9091 open, or can you connect to it?


no, sorry. No connect to the system over the Port 9090 or 9091.

okay, i look in the afternoon for this problem. Thanks for your help.

see you …


You don;t have a firewall running do you ?



Can you post your wildfire.xml and your wildfire executable here for us to look at. maybe we’'ll see the problem that you are having there.


hi Jeff,

no i have no firewall. the ports on my router a open für 9090 and 9091.

Here the xml:

What you meen with the wildfire exutable? fg Sorry

in the directory /opt/wildfire/bin there is a file called wildfire. it is what you use to start the server instance. One question… How do you start the server? do you

cd /opt/wildfire/bin

sh -x ./wildfire start



Hi Chris,

what’'s the content of nohup.out and of the files in /wildfire/logs?


jeff_garner wrote:

in the directory /opt/wildfire/bin there is a file called wildfire. it is what you use to start the server instance. One question… How do you start the server? do you

cd /opt/wildfire/bin

sh -x ./wildfire start



Yes, is start the Server with this comman or with this

cd /opt/wildfire/bin

./ wildfire start

Here the output from today


This is the conten of your quested file:

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/install4j/runtime/Launcher

This is an Debian Maschine mit an Small LAMPP ( System. The system is here in my privat network. 20 Maschines.

What is the Problem. The Status sayd: System is running

can you look in your ~/logs directory for wildfire and post the last several entries? The java class issue is definitely a problem, but am wondering if we can get more information from the other logs that you have as well.


Message was edited by: jeff_garner

i have nor errors… no logs over wildfire

come to germany an help me

and now?


who is the owner of the files and as which user do you try to start Wildfire?

How did you install Wildfire?

I’'m already in Germany.

Maybe Wildfire starts fine if you enter these three lines as root:

su jive

cd /opt/wildfire/bin

/opt/java/jre/bin/java -jar…/startup.jar



i have wildfire with this instructions installed.

the owner ist wildfired

aida:~# su wildfired

wildfired@aida:/root$ cd /opt/wildfire/bin

wildfired@aida:~/bin$ /opt/java/jre/bin/java -jar…/startup.jar

bash: /opt/java/jre/bin/java: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden


Thats the Result.


you need to install Java: “Wildfire ist eine Java-Anwendung, d.h. bevor man Wildfire installieren kann, muss man sicher stellen, dass Java korrekt auf dem Rechner installiert und konfiguriert ist.”


i know…

Java is installed.

Where did you install java?

“bash: /opt/java/jre/bin/java: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden” makes one wonder if it is installed “right”.