Java- Speicher erhöhen / Increase Java-Memory


Wisst ihr wie ich den Java Speicher für openfire auf Windows erhöhe?

Was ich auch noch interessant finde, es gibt ja die Option den Chat mitzuschneiden, wo kann ich das mitgeschnittene einsehen?

Grüsse: Plappermaul


Do you know how I can increase the Java memory on Windows?

What I find also interessting, there is the option to record the chat, but where can i find/see the records?

Regards: Plappermaul

Modify / Create openfired.vmoptions / openfire.vmoptions in the same directory as Openfire. Add there the JVM parameters (like ‘-Xmx512m’).

Java memory increasing: Openfire: Installation Guide (custom parameters)

If you are referring to Monitoring Service plugin, go to Server > Archiving and search for conversations there. If you are talking about audit logs, then they are stored in the xml formar in /Openfire/logs.