Jitsi blank screen


No. The problem are there in your wget command line. Look, are there space on websockets.war (websoc kets.war)

Don’t needs to change the permission with chmod. Just name was wrong after download. I changed useWwebsockets = true, restart openfire and works

About the questions, who is the “Dele” and where I can find he to do that questions?

Thank you.


thank you. Error fixed.

Dele Olajide is the main author implementation de jitsi videobridge plugin on Openfire.



Are there any way to me to contact the Dele Olajide? email contact or just a message here in the community that he can to read?

One more question: do you know if are there any configuration for the JitMeet to be used with anonymous disabled. So a user/password will be required before access the JitMeet? That is a problem becouse any person can use the Jitmeet in my server and use a lot of bandwidth.


1 - What parts/functions of ofMeet will not works if I have Webosckets disabled (false)?

Everything will work. Websockets is faster and does a network push instead of waiting and polling for new messages

2 - I really still not understand what is the difference between ofMeet and the JitMeet. They has the same design and functions and both works just on chorme (webrtc). Could you explaim me?

Read this blog.

http://community.igniterealtime.org/community/support/jitsi_videobridge_plugin/o fmeet/blog/2014/01/03/ofmeet-video-conferencing-application-based-on-jitmeet

3 - I trying since yesterday to do a short url for the JitMeet and not sucess. I would like to substitute the https://65.x.x.x:7443/jitsi/apps/ofmeet/ to just something like https://65.x.x.x:7443/meet.html as are this example on the internet https://webrtc.free-solutions.org:8443/videobridge.html or better the https://meet.jit.si/

create the file meet.html in the OPENFIRE_HOME\resources\spank folder with this

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/jitsi/apps/ofmeet">

You can also go to openfire web console and chnage the HTTP-BIND port from 7070/7443 to 80/443 and use


Copy the apps folder to your OPENFIRE_HOME\resouces\spank folder and delete the apps folder.

Modify the applications and add an initial user authentication web page that asks for username and password. You only need someone with basic HTML/Javascript experience.

Hello, first I would like say congratulations for a great project of videobridge + webrtc. =D

Read this blog.

http://community.igniterealtime.org/community/support/jitsi_videobridge_plugin/o fmeet/blog/2014/01/03/ofmeet-video-conferencing-application-based-on-jitmeet

After read that blog I thought: wow, I will start to use/test the ofMeet instead the JitMeet.

Anyway, I don’t know if this is the right place for this feedback about JitMeet and ofMeet.

Yesterday I tested JitMeet (before read that blog) with 5 persons during two hours and we have so many problems:

1 - So difficult to connect to shared link. Some users connected ok, others need many refresh to url and so one. Some times trying close chrome and start again to try. Some times more than 50 times refreshing page/clicking in url link to enter in room.

2 - Some people get out room or congeals the image. And when people try to connect again, really can’t. Trying many many times to enter on url and nothing. Some times works. Some times I need to create again a new room or wait a magincal time to enter. I tryed to restart openfire too.

3 - But when don’t happen thats problems above, works fine. But this above is very very problematic. I think that is not possible to use in production.


Server: Ubuntu 13.10 64bit + openfire 3.9.1 + jitsivideobridgeplugin 1.2

Bandwidth: 100Mbps full duplex.

Clients connected to jitMeet: two using windows, one using linux, and two using android (android beta). I tryed all tests without use android. Just 5 PCs and problems is the same.

Today I start to test ofMeet, but stop just when see that the pdf presentation and shared desktop options no works :-(. Why?

Well, I would like to know if that problem about stability/unstable system you know and if you are working on that. I would like to know too if problem with stability of system is just videobridge or is openfire/JitMeet parts?

Thanks so much!

For blank screen share, read this

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Thanks Dele!

Works changing that flag in the chrome. The shared desktop works very well!! =D