jivePrivate info

where is the file for private chat data?

thought it would be in messenger.script…

Hey gatorade,

I’'m not sure I understand what you are asking. The server does not store information about one-to-one chats. Persistent rooms store chat transcripts in the mucConversationLog table. And the jivePrivate table stores information related to url=http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0049.htmlJEP-0049: Private XML Storage[/url].

I hope your question has been answered.


– Gato

Hey Gato,

Yep, thanks. You answered by questions.

“The server does not store information about one-to-one chats”

Hey gatorade,

For a future release we are planning to store audit information in the database. That means that if you enable the auditing mode then you will be able to retrieve a one-to-one conversation. Current version stores the information in plain files.

Anyway, if you need this feature sooner you can write your own PacketInterceptor and store information about chats in a table of yours.


– Gato