Jsjac libray to comunicate with Openfire

i Hve some questions . It will be great if some one give me the answer

  1. can i use both external database and the embedded databse ( viz : external databse for storing the message and embedded database for keeping user profile)

  2. I have abt 2000 user base . which mode of authentication will be apprpriate

a) create user account

b) LDAP Authentication

c) Active Directory

  1. Does JsJac supports MUC protocol

  2. How JsJac Library is used to comunicate with the OpenFire Server with http-Binding

5)Can I put additional data like Userconfig Properties in embedded Database

6)Do i need any coding apart from configuration in XMPP server

bhowal123 wrote:

  1. can i use both external database and the embedded databse ( viz : external databse for storing the message and embedded database for keeping user profile)

Not that I know of. It might be possible to write a plugin or to adjust Openfires source.

  1. I have abt 2000 user base . which mode of authentication will be apprpriate

Depends on your security requirements

a) create user account

JSJaC can.

b) LDAP Authentication

Openfire can.

c) Active Directory

Openfire can.

  1. Does JsJac supports MUC protocol


  1. How JsJac Library is used to comunicate with the OpenFire Server with http-Binding

Look at the source.

5)Can I put additional data like Userconfig Properties in embedded Database

See 1) - programming probably needed.

6)Do i need any coding apart from configuration in XMPP server

See above. It depends.

Thanks for all your valuable input

One more query

in Jsjac connection i have used


try {

// setup args for contructor

oArgs = new Object();

oArgs.httpbase = aForm.http_base.value;

oArgs.timerval = 2000;

if (typeof(oDbg) != ‘undefined’)

oArgs.oDbg = oDbg;

if (aForm.backend[0].checked)

con = new JSJaCHttpBindingConnection(oArgs);


con = new JSJaCHttpPollingConnection(oArgs);


// setup args for connect method

oArgs = new Object(); // Does this object need to be JSON object

oArgs.domain = aForm.server.value;

oArgs.username = aForm.username.value;

oArgs.resource = ‘jsjac_simpleclient’;

oArgs.pass = aForm.password.value;

oArgs.register = aForm.register.checked;


} catch {

document.getElementById(‘err’).innerHTML = e.toString();

} finally {

return false;


We are getting an error like

‘JSJaCHttpBindingConnection’ is undefined

Need Help