JTDS Implementation question

has anyone tried to implement the JTDS java driver for SQL Server 7?

how do you do this?

I’'m using the default driver for SQL Server 2000 as described in the installation instructions on SQL Server 7 and it works fine.

Have you tried that one?

BTW, if you do use JTDS and find that it works well, please let us know!


I have tried it but I don’'t have the microsoft java driver that apparently comes with sql server 2000

Looks like you can download it url=http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9f1874b6-f8e1-4bd6- 947c-0fc5bf05bf71&displaylang=enhere[/url].

Hope that helps,


I was unable to get the JDBC driver (SP3) from Microsoft to work with SQL Server 7.

I was able to get the JTDS driver to work.

  1. Place the JTDS jar file in the lib directory of Jive Messenger

  2. Re-start the Jive Messenger server software

  3. JDBC Driver Class: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver

  4. Database URL: jdbc:jtds:<server_type>://[:][/][;=[;… .]]

The driver is available from http://jtds.sourceforge.net/

Hope this helps others!

Thanks for the info! I added it to the docs for the next release.
