Just installed Wildfire / Spark have some questions


I just upgraded our internal Jive / Miranda installation to a Wildfire / Spark one. Some of the users had some questions for me about the spark client though.

I was wondering is it possible to customize the font, font size, color etc for the client? If so how is that accomplished. If not is that a feature that will be implemented soon?

Also what port does the file transfer service use so I know which to open up on the firewall.

Thank you for any help


currently there seems to be no way to customize the free version of Spark. I assume that jivesoftware.com can help you to get a customized version for some peanuts.

Filetransfer should select the port and the method dynamically. If the firewall block all connects then in-band file transfer will be used (if everything works fine).


Thank you for your help.