Keep the message timestamp

Hello, is it possible to keep the actual timestamp in the messages on chat rooms?
Because I have the time of reception of the messages and not the time of writing of the messages. And just for someone who takes the conversation in progress, it does not make sense since all messages are dated from the moment it connects.

I use openfire 4.1.5 and spark 2.6.3

thank you in advance

Bonjour, est-il possible de garder l’horodatage réel dans les messages sur les salons de discutions ?
Car actuellement j’ai l’heure de réception des messages et non l’heure d’écriture des messages. Et justement pour quelqu’un qui prend la conversation en cours, cela n’a pas de sens puisque tous les messages sont daté du moment ou il se connecte.

J’utilise openfire 4.1.5 et spark 2.6.3

Merci d’avance

Please see what happens when you try a current release of Spark. I suspect you are just noticing an issue with how that old of Spark processed x-delay messages when joining the MUC.

Effectively, with Spark 2.8.3, the message timestamp is exact.