Kraken - The continuation of the IM Gateway plugin

Greetings folk! As most of you probably know, I am no longer with Jive as of mid October. A side effect of this is that I have effectively moved the IM Gateway plugin offsite with a new name, Kraken, and some new goals. You can read about those goals at Kraken’s web site, but the first couple of releases of Kraken will be nothing more than the IM Gateway plugin with some updates and a new name. You can find Kraken at:

I am not paying attention to these forums anymore. I have set up forums on Kraken’s new site and I encourage those of you who are interested to create accounts and join me there! The project is officially hosted at SourceForge, which has an additional benefit of you all being able to create bug reports and such without having to go through the forums! My new site us running under Drupal and there’s a lot of functionality there, so if there’s something the new site isn’t doing that you wish it did do, feel free to speak up! There’s a forum explicitly for discussion the site itself.

I’m in the process of working on a number of improvements to Kraken for it’s 1.0 release. I expect to have a release out over the holidays. A couple of key improvements so far have been:

  • improved QQ support

  • experimental SameTime support

  • few other misc improvements under the hood

If you have outstanding issues that you never saw a bug report filed for, or that you’ve been meaning to report, please file away at SourceForge! Don’t be shy. hehehe

The upgrade to Kraken, btw, is meant to be very simple. Basically you’ll uninstall the IM Gateway plugin and install Kraken. Done. It’ll use the same database tables and such as before. As I organize releases in the future, I’ll be making a point of making older versions available for those who are running older servers. In fact, I think SourceForge will make that trivial. I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to handle updates and such just yet. I may see if the Jive folk will put Kraken up on the Openfire plugins page for now. I have other plans in the future which I’m not going to go into just yet simply because I don’t want to jinx them. lol

Annnyway, come on over and say hi if you are interested! Again, I’m not paying attention to this site, and haven’t paid much attention at all since October. So please don’t report bugs here if you want me to see them. =)

Hi Daniel,

Still waiting for my Kraken password. Also I want to collaborate on the myspaceim plugin. I was able to work with Ryan and have been able to get a rudimentary version of the library working.


Oh bless you! =) I don’t know why you haven’t gotten the verification email – though there is about a 20 minute delay i think. Anyway, please email me at daniel at and we’ll chat that way for the time being!

There are no files in the download section of your website at all, or maybe there’s a need to register?

That is correct, I have not put out a release yet. Looks like there’s some ICQ problems going on today so a release is likely … today. hehehe