Launch Spark with AWAY as Initial Status

Is there a way (edit of file and/or Registry) that I can get Spark to Launch with the initial status of AWAY?

There is no such option or hack, unless yo uchange it in the source and recompile your own Spark version. There is a ticket filed, which is related to your request, but currently noone is working on this. SPARK-981

We are working on adding Invisibility (XEP-0126) support. This will add an option on the Spark login screen to login as invisible. A drop down could be added to allow logging in under any presence state desired. Is that what you need? What is the use case exactly?

Thank you for your reply.

Too bad no one is working on this feature.

A number of us don’t want to totally eliminate the use of Spark, but we also don’t want to have to remember to change the status the very first thing in the morning after the auto-login occurs.

Users should be allowed to set their own Default (Initial) Status upon Login.


Thank you for your reply.

As I indicated in my reply to wroot above, a number of us don’t want to totally eliminate the use of Spark, but we also don’t want to have to remember to change the status the very first thing in the morning after the auto-login occurs.

Users should be allowed to set their own Default (Initial) Status upon Login.

“Invisibility” would be a good thing, and it might meet the needs of a number of users.

But “Invisibility” is not what I am looking for.

On the plus side you mention that a ***Drop Down could be added to allow loggin in under any presence state desired. *** That would be good and seems as though it might address the feature I am looking for.


Well, that would fit Fred’s request. Though it is a bit different from the ticket i mentioned.

I looked over the ticket that you referenced.

While it does not specifically address what I ask for, as long as I manually went into Away and then logged out/exited with that status, I guess that might be an acceptable alternative.

Not ideal (Martin’s description would be closer), but it might work - FOR A WHILE

The only problem would be that the user would have to remember to make sure that they were AWAY before their Logout/Exit

And would that apply to a Workstation Restart/Shutdown without an actual Spark Logout/Exit?

I think Martin’s idea suits your request better. So you better talk him into doing this And i will file another ticket if he wish to contribute such patch.

Speaking about my ticket, i think it should retain the status even after the shutdown. Probably current status can be saved in the preferences file, say like laststatus=away and then Spark would read this line upon starting and set the according status.