LDAP Auth but no groups

I was running Wildfire 3.0.1 and I am looking to upgrade to the new beta. The LDAP integration has changed though. I don’‘t want to use LDAP for the group settings, I had groups setup in 3.0.1 and I want to keep those. I also can’'t use the LDAP server for the groups. Is there an easy way to use LDAP only to authenticate and not do any of the group functions in 3.1.0 beta 3a?

Here’'s my scenario:

Win2k3: Active Directory (LDAP over SSL) using port 636

Wildfire: 3.1.0 authenticating against LDAP over SSL

Spark: Custom MSI v2.0.2 deployed via GPO. Still working on pushing the Spark settings depending on who logged in to Windows. Custom login script.

Authentication works beautifully from Spark. Wildfire is pulling down the hierarchy from AD perfectly. I would like to only authenticate against LDAP and create my own Wildfire groups that don’'t have anything to do with the structure of AD. Is this possible?

There are a few variations of what you’'re asking.

Look in your wildfire.xml file in the

Thanks, this should be in a guide…

Thanks, this helped me out. I am authing against Zimbra’'s LDAP which does not have groups.