LDAP group authorization in group chat

We were just trying to set up Openfire and were running into something very infuriating: clearly OF knows and understands our Active Directory LDAP groups (we can list the members of these groups without issue), but we would love to restrict access to group chat rooms on the basis of these LDAP groups and there appears to be no way of doing so: apparently they’re only restrictable by user JID. Is there any way around this through something I’ve missed, some plugin or do we have to hack the source?

I’ve seen http://www.igniterealtime.org/issues/browse/JM-324 which appears to cover this issue but it’s 3 years old.

Thanks for any replies!


I also would really appreciate to have this feature. As well as Geoff, for me anything would do it. Plugin or hack to the code. Does someone have some experience in this? I have seen this issue asked several times but not concrete answer.

Is this feature at least available in the Enterprise edition?

I am looking forward to your answer
