LDAP Shared group reload

I am using shared groups retrived from an LDAP server with OpenFire.

Everything works fine until I add a new user in my group in LDAP.

The group admin page of OpenFire and users in groups in jabber clients do not take the added user into account.

I have to manually restart OpenFire to get this new user taken into account.

How could I avoid that?

Openfire caches several things including the groups. You can clear the cache from the Cache Summary page of the admin console.

By default, Openfire will cache data for 6 hours. If you need to see the change before then, you will have to manually clear the cache. AFAIK, there are no options available to allow you to manage the group cache lifetime.

Take a look at http://wiki.igniterealtime.org/display/WILDFIRE/HowtoconfigureWildfire%27scaches - according to this, the lifetime of the Group Users cache can be set by setting the cache.userGroup.expirationTime property in Openfire.