First, I promise that I have searched through the forums for a solution but everything that I’ve tried hasn’t yielded a resolution thus far. I say this because there seem to be a ton of posts/questions for issues that have been ‘answered’ multiple times, under multiple threads. I certainly could have missed something while reading posts though. I would GREATLY appreciate any insight that anyone can provide as to where I’ve messed up. Please let me know if there is any additional info that I can provide to aid with assistance. I am new to OpenFire so please be gentle. Thanks in advance!!!
- Server2003R2x64 SP2
- Openfire 3.6.4
- MySQL 5.1
- Active Directory
- Base DN: dc=DomainName,dc=local
- LDAP User Filter: (&(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(memberOf=CN=OpenFireUsers,CN=users,DC=Domai nName,DC=local))
My AD environment is configured with OUs specific to business units. As you’ve deduced from the user filter above, I’ve created an OpenFireUsers (Global Security) Group and added all desired user accounts to this group. The group resides inside the OpenFire OU.
When I look within Users/Groups in the Admin Console, with the aforementioned configuration, I am only able to see or find one user. If/when I change the user filter to (objectClass=organizationalPerson) I am able to see all accounts within AD.