LDAP vCard template missing fields

The default LDAP vcard template used by Openfire appears to be missing a couple of fields: MIDDLE and FAMILY should be mapped to the ldap attributes middleName and sn, respectively.

It also appears that it doesn’t read back the current template to be edited: a manually-edited addition of the PHOTO BINVAL tag mapping does not show up in the “User Mapping” web interface.

I was also having this issue. I changed the xml file to what you see below; however, the user’s last name isn’t showing up (first name is), and the company shows as ‘null’. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

(the items in red are the ones i have changed/added)

XML Data:

<![CDATA[ ``` <vCard xmlns="vcard-temp"> <N> {color:#ff0000} <GIVEN>{givenName}</GIVEN> <FAMILY>{sn}</FAMILY>{color} </N> <EMAIL> <INTERNET/> <USERID>{mail}</USERID> </EMAIL> <FN>{cn}</FN> ```

It is missing several fields. This has been mentions to the developers several times. Here is a more complete mapping for AD:


<vCard xmlns=“vcard-temp”>



























































created a ticket for this issue: http://www.igniterealtime.org/issues/browse/JM-1431