Load generator: jabsimul

Sorry to split off this question from the original thread ( http://www.jivesoftware.org/community/thread.jspa?threadID=15845&tstart=0 ), but my question is specific to one generator, so here goes.

I’‘ve been (trying to) use the jabsimul load generator, but I have difficulties making sense out of the configuration file. Comments in that file are in two languages, and none of those are English. As far as I can identify, I’'m looking at both Spanish and Polish. Could someone here translate the following sentences for me?


  1. Wlasciwosci uzytkownikow wybranych z przestrzeni nazw - Properties of users taken from the space of names[/i]

  2. Pelny log socketow - Full log of sockets[/i]

  3. Polacz sie z serwerem - Connect with server[/i]

  4. Mozemy sie logowac digestem a nie plainem: - We can login using digest and not plain[/i]

  5. Dodajemy do rostera nowego uzytk. wylosowanego z podanego zakresu - Adding new user, (generated or randomly taken) from given dimension, to the roster[/i]

  6. Usuwamy z rostera uzytk. wylosowanego z rostera - Removing generated from roster user out of roster (cant understand this)[/i]

  7. Wysylamy wiadomosc - Sending message[/i]

  8. Wiadomosc testowa krotka - Short testing message[/i]

  9. Zmieniamy status - Changing status[/i]

  10. Mozna podac dokladnie co, a domyslnie losuje - Can give exactly what, and guessing …[/i]

  11. Jezdem tera dostepny - I’'m available now[/i]

  12. Zamykaj ladnie polaczenie - Close connection correctly[/i]

  13. Zabijaj polaczenie - Kill connection[/i]

  14. Tez powinno zabic polaczenie - Has to kill connection too[/i]


  1. Con los valores por defecto, el par usr/passw seria - With the default values, the pair user/password[/i]

  2. Cada cuanto se debe producir una conexion - Frequency to make/establish a connection[/i]

  3. Añadir o quitar un usuario del roster - Add or remove a user from the roster[/i]

  4. Envio de mensaje y FICHERO CON EL CONTENIDO - Send message that’‘s either typed out in file or supplied in parameter <-- that’'s what I make out of the context[/i]

  5. Cambio de estado - Change of the state[/i]

  6. Desconexion de usuarios - Disconnection of the user[/i]

  7. Aborto de conexion -Abort the connection

  8. Meter ruido (bytes aleatorios) - Add streaming noise ( with random bytes )[/i]

I’'ll post some configuration examples as soon as I can create some that actually make sense.

Update: Nahuel provided the Spanish translation.

Update 2: Wroot provided a Polish translation.

Update 3: Spanish translation corrections by Gato.


  1. Con los valores por defecto, el par usr/passw seria

With the default values, the pair user/password

  1. Cada cuanto se debe producir una conexion

Each whatever must make a connection

  1. Añadir o quitar un usuario del roster

Add or remove some user from the roster

  1. Envio de mensaje y FICHERO CON EL CONTENIDO

Send of message and file with the content of it

  1. Cambio de estado

Change of the state

  1. Desconexion de usuarios

Disconnection of the user

  1. Aborto de conexion

Abot of connection

  1. Meter ruido (bytes aleatorios)

Add streaming noiise ( with random bytes )

Ok, i’'m not polish but understand it a little. My try:


  1. Wlasciwosci uzytkownikow wybranych z przestrzeni nazw

Properties of users taken from the space of names

  1. Pelny log socketow

Full log of sockets

  1. Polacz sie z serwerem

Connect with server

  1. Mozemy sie logowac digestem a nie plainem:

We can login using digest and not plain

  1. Dodajemy do rostera nowego uzytk. wylosowanego z podanego zakresu

Adding new user, (generated or randomly taken) from given dimension, to the roster

  1. Usuwamy z rostera uzytk. wylosowanego z rostera

Removing generated from roster user out of roster (cant understand this)

  1. Wysylamy wiadomosc

Sending message

  1. Wiadomosc testowa krotka

Short testing message

  1. Zmieniamy status

Changing status

  1. Mozna podac dokladnie co, a domyslnie losuje

Can give exactly what, and guessing …

  1. Jezdem tera dostepny

I’'m available now

  1. Zamykaj ladnie polaczenie

Close connection correctly

  1. Zabijaj polaczenie

Kill connection

  1. Tez powinno zabic polaczenie

Has to kill connection too

P.S. wait for a real polish forum guest

Thanks guys! (I’'ll leave the question unmarked for now, hoping that someone will verify the translations)

you’‘re wellcome hey, thanks for 5 points. Now i’'m golden at last

Hey Nahuel,

Pretty good translation. I’'m going to slightly change some entries to make them a little more accurate.

  1. Cada cuanto se debe producir una conexion

Frequency to make/establish a connection

  1. Añadir o quitar un usuario del roster

Add or remove a user from the roster

  1. Envio de mensaje y FICHERO CON EL CONTENIDO

Is this related to file transfer (IBB)? I don’'t have more contextual information but if the value is true/false then the question may be: “Do you want to use IBB?”

  1. Aborto de conexion

Abort of connection


– Gato


Perhaps it’'s because I live my 5 first years in Argentina, and my father is Argentinian.

But I have some problems to translate in english, I never live in an english country and don’'t know some expression.


Hola Nahuel,

Un placer ver otro argentino por aquí. Me habia llamado la atención que alguien de Francia haga la traducción al Español pero era una muy buena traducción.


– Gato