Log config in openfire

Hi everybody,

i’m just wondering if it is possible to modify the path of the openfire logs ( default location is openfireInstallationDir/logs/ )?

If someone is aware of that, please, let me know.



I have the same problem. I found the variable OPENFIRE_LOGDIR in the file /etc/sysconfig/openfire and I changed the system property ‘log.directory’ but this has had little effect.

There seems to be a startup startup log (nohup.out) which is created, the the Error, Warn, Info and Debug logs still do not log to the new location.

Just update lib/log4j.xml - We have ours logging into /var/log/openfire/


One little problem, the Log Viewer in the Admin console seems to be hard coded to the $OPENFIRE_HOME/logs location.

I am just going to run with creating a symbolic link:

rm -r /opt/openfire/logs

ln -s /var/log/openfire /opt/openfire/logs